I caution my kids all the time that the friends they surround themselves with will likely determine their path in life. I am sure I say that because my parents and others instilled that “truth’ in me. But was it truth or just the verbiage of over protective adults trying to keep me on the straight and narrow?
I am currently reading a great book by Dr. Henry Cloud called, The Power Of The Other. I recommend it to anyone who is focused on leading in their personal and/or professional lives. I could tell you about it, but that would probably keep you from purchasing the book and diving into its pages. You have seen me use a quote by Harry S. Truman before that says, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” With that in mind, I hope I have planted the seed for you to make the investment.
Aside from the book, I ask you to weigh this thought: Did you get to where you are on your own, or were you impacted by influencers along the way? Influencers are those who stepped into your world and challenged you to believe you could be more. It is very likely that someone just came to your mind – a teacher, parent, church leader, coach, etc…
The reality is that we are a by-product of the relationships with which we surround ourselves. What I was told as a child is still true – probably more true today. Are you surrounded by winners? Do you allow people into your inner circle that have permission to challenge you? Unfortunately, the older we get and the greater success we achieve, the more likely we are to isolate ourselves - to shrink our circle of influencers.
Your success is still dependent on the people around you. That is also true of your team. I challenge you to put people in front of them that will challenge them. Seek out opportunities to improve their skills and challenge them to invest in themselves. Research shows that the more your team feels influenced by your leadership, the less likely they will leave you – even if the money is better.
Next month you have a great opportunity to impact your professional team and the lives of your craftsmen and women by sending them or encouraging them to go to the CFI Convention in Orlando, Florida. Why, because being around the best almost always makes you better.
One last word on the book I mentioned earlier by Dr. Henry Cloud. He firmly states that relationships are a key component to our success or failure. The subtitle of the book says it all: The Startling Effect Other People Have On You, From the Boardroom To The Bedroom And Beyond – And What To Do About It. I challenge you to pick this book up and focus in on the power of influence!